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Athletes that have actually been utilizing steroids recognize clenbuterol for its long fifty percent life meaning that it has the tendency to stay in the physical body for a long time. The use of steroids by bodybuilders is especially alarming because when steroids first came on the market, the most common user group was bodybuilders that wanted to gain a "mature" body or "clean" look while still getting as much muscle as they could. Although there are no hard and fast rules and most steroids users don't use them all the time, some people do get very extreme results with these steroids. The most common side effects are serious stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, a fast heart rate and tiredness, testosterone enanthate nastup ucinku. Most people recover completely in a few days or weeks, steroids body meaning. As with any steroid use, there's no need to panic if you have been using steroids for a long time. The major concern is proper detoxification, testosterone enanthate injection usp. The body should be constantly detoxified through regular diet and water intake and not from illicit drugs, testosterone enanthate injection usp. Another important factor to remember with any drugs is that it may cause side effects in people who take them for a long time, testosterone enanthate norma hellas greece. The effects of any drug depend upon many factors including dosage, method of administration and a number of other factors. Some steroids tend to be more potent than others and can alter human functions to unpredictable degrees. The only way to know for sure whether any drug on the market will be safe or dangerous for you is to speak with a doctor. If you do decide to start taking steroids, don't take them too soon as side effects may develop after an initial period of experimentation with the drug. If you do decide to try steroids, seek professional advice, body meaning steroids. While using steroids, keep in mind that taking just one steroid in an extremely short number of days may cause a serious drug reaction or even a fatal overdose. Some experts even say that it is extremely irresponsible not to seek professional advice before using steroids, testosterone enanthate italiano.