Again, these goals aren't mutually exclusive. Ideally, the content your guest creates will be highly engaging, shareable, and compelling to the viewer. 3. Decide on the content format and takeover logistics. Once you've figured out what you want to accomplish and who will host your takeover, it's time to nail down the specifics of how the takeover will run. Below are our suggestions of questions to answer when you meet with your takeover host.
When are you hosting the Instagram takeover, and how long will it last? Who will manage the account? Will the guest get access to your Instagram credentials, or will they send you content and captions to post on their behalf? How many times per day fax number list will the host post takeover content? If you have an optimal publishing schedule in mind, what times per day will the host need to post? What hashtags will be used? Will you create a custom hashtag to promote the takeover? Is there a maximum amount of hashtags you want the guest to use in any given caption?
Which types of content will be shared during the takeover? Will the guest post photos, videos, Instagram Stories, or live videos? Will they post a combination of these formats? How will both the guest and the host promote the takeover on Instagram? Will you agree to promotion on Instagram or other channels leading up to the event? Are there any guardrails? Is there anything the guest shouldn't record or mention over the course of the takeover? Once the details of the takeover are finalized, decide how you'll measure success over the course of the event. 4. Determine metrics to track during the takeover.