They include cross-border migration, undocumented or not, which has become an important source of foreign exchange for governments.10». The border territories are the areas where these transnationalized circuits anchor substantial parts of their Iceland Phone Number List operations, which demand the employment of labor in increasingly precarious conditions. Women have more job opportunities than men in these circuits, since it is believed that they are Iceland Phone Number List more exploitable (they earn lower wages, work more hours, are kept without employment contracts).
Saskia Sassen refers to this phenomenon as Iceland Phone Number List the "feminization of survival", alluding to the fact that the accelerated capitalism of the 21st century increased the precariousness of women, because they continue to Iceland Phone Number List be the main responsible for the reproduction of families. The majority of Latin American border women are the main economic providers of their household and also the main responsible for family care (in all its dimensions). They Iceland Phone Number List develop their border economic activities –linked to legal/illegal trade, domestic work, border industries or rural work– precisely to respond to this productive/reproductive family overload.
The Paraguayan women I interviewed between 2018 and 2019 on the triple border of Paraná outlined these responsibilities by saying that, on the border, women "carry the family in their bodies." Despite (and because of) this exploitation of women, men feel Iceland Phone Number List displaced from their role as economic providers and this culminates in outbreaks of gender-based violence that originate in homes but spread to public spaces. A tragic example of this Iceland Phone Number List dynamic is Ciudad Juárez, a Mexican town on the US border where 400 women workers in the maquiladora industries were murdered between 1994 and 2004.11. Thus, for many Latin American women, borders constitute a "dialectic of opportunity."