To avoid having to go to court, the advertising Whatsapp Mobile Number List sector has a self-regulatory body that removes ads that may violate human dignity. However, many large companies prefer to risk losing the money invested in the campaign, the Whatsapp Mobile Number List census and the sanctions, since the publicity generated by the Whatsapp Mobile Number List controversy in some cases is greater than what they could achieve with a less provocative campaign. 1. Bacardi (Canada) Prohibited advertisement for “reifying and degrading women” degrading their image.
Bacardi ad girl 2. Kiss Tobacco (Israel) Prohibited advertisement "its obscenity and similarity of the figures represented with human beings in an explicit way" Whatsapp Mobile Number List censored advertising in Israel 3. Paddy Power (Ireland) Ad Whatsapp Mobile Number List banned in Ireland "for being highly offensive and demeaning older people." Illegal advertising Ireland 4. Energizer (Chile) Ad rejected by the client for being too unpleasant and disrespectful to consumers of your brand. boy in bath ad censored 5. NONSKID (UK) Ad warned by Whatsapp Mobile Number List consumers for the bar code on Tony Blair's upper lip, which reminded people of Hitler, and was therefore "offensive" to people. man bar code on mustache 6.
MA (UK) Prohibited ad "for trivializing violence" Whatsapp Mobile Number List and normalizing aggressive behavior. advertising heels censored 7.NHS (UK) Ad banned for “being too obnoxious, frightening and distressing children” anchor in mouth Whatsapp Mobile Number List censored advertising 8. Gucci (UK) An example of anti-advertising that degrades women. Gucci ad illicit advertising 9. Six Feet Under (UK) Prohibited ad because the woman's Whatsapp Mobile Number List face is creepy and offensive. ad six feet under illicit advertising 10. Diesel (UK) Banned ad for “offensive sexual content” illicit diesel advertising 11.